Tuesday, December 14, 2010


1. Definite what kind of text I’m going to read. It’s possible to know about that from contents or beginning of the text.
2. Think how much I will know about this article/text and what I will get information from it.
3. Read directly from the beginning to the end. But, it is involved what about I will read and how long it is to read.
4. If I find the new words while reading, I try to definite them that are nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
5. Then I try to understand a basic meaning using around words.
6. If I can’t understand it, I use dictionary “English to English”.
7. If I don’t find word from below dictionary.
8. I ask from myself about it while reading and when finished to read. It helps me to pick up what I read.
9. During reading I try to understand the text. Especially, it helps to pass an exam successfully and it is an easy way to repeat it.
10. Each chapter, I try to make inferences. Due to make inferences, I find out the new things.
11. While reading, I try to make connections between every chapter. It is very important to get the ordinary knowledge.
12. During reading, I try to good notes to use the methods of making scheme and diagram. At last, it is very easy to understand.
13. From a paragraph and a chapter, I try to find the main idea. Other ideas are connected with the main idea.
14. I visualize what I am reading. It helps me to bring my mind back easily, moreover when read literature.
15. Finally, I recall what I already know about topic.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Answering interview question

1. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
I have many goals.For example, I am going to have a job, my own big house, and big and happy family.

2. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
In several months I am going to graduate my university as telecommunication's engineering. That is my short-range goal.

3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I will invent new technology.

4. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
I have learned the ability of self-educated and working in team.

5. How do you determine or evaluate success?
Everyone can reach the top, just day must do whatthey can and always try to develop.
Just like this, I will reach the peak.

6. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I always try to know about the new technologies, to be patient and bold.

7. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
I am interested in my profession a lot, that makes job enjoyeable for me.

8. Why did you decide to seek a position with this communication organization?
I want to begin my first job whit new technology and in big company.

9. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
In my opinion, the most important things are attention, responsiblity and hard working.

10. What do you know about the job?
My job connects all people whitch each other.

11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
In my opinion, the most important thing is communication.

12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work in team.

Refference letter

School of Information and Telecommunication Technology, Must
Jan , 01, 12. Bayanzurkh District,UB
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

To: Mobicom LLCompany

I have had the pleasure of knowing Ariunzaya Gankhuyag  For 3 years. During the years of our acquaintance I have known Ariunzaya  in capacities. She has been my student since 2008 her responsibilities that capacity have grown with the activity.
Ariunzaya is a hardworking and loyal person. She is a creative, capable and personable, helpful  and friendly young woman.
She talks from one’s  heart other people.
She is one of my best student. Her  favourite  word is friend in need is a friend indeed.

I feel confident in saying that is capable of handing any with thoughtfulness and maturity.

Working with the general public is my goal and your organizations provide me with just the opportunity.


Bayarmaa G.

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

Name:   Ariunzaya Gankhuyag
Address:  P.O BOX 289
Ulaanbaatar 210646
Telephone:    99887766
Cellphone: 99990000
E_mail:  holy_0770@yahoo.com
Date of birth:   15 January 1990
Nationality:     Mongolia
Citizenship:    Ulaanbaatar
Gender:          Female
Marital status: single
84th High School, graduated in 2008, UB , Mongolia
University: school of Information and Telecommunication, MUST
May 2008-June 2012     telecommunication engineer
July 2009-August 2010 practicing in Mobicom. UB
Other skills:
              I am literate and can use all different types of Microsoft Office programs.(such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe, Corel, Photoshop, etc)  I speak English fluently and I have a general knowledge of Korean.
Interests:   Translation /translate about new technologies to mongolia/


Бүртгүүлж байгаа ажлын байрны нэр: 
FIRST NAME                       :           Ariunzaya                           Цээж зураг, 3X4

SURNAME                           :           Gankhuyag

MALE                                    FEMALE       ●
Эр                                                              Эм
1.General information (Ерөнхий мэдээлэл):
Төрсөн он сар өдөр


Place of birth
Төрсөн газар

UB city
Registration No.
Рег. дугаар


Social insurance
НДД-ийн дугаар

ID card No.
Иргэний үнэмлэхний №


Medical insurance
ЭМД-ийн №

Driving License No.

Жолоодох эрхийн ангилал

2.      Previous Employment (start with the most recent) (Ажлын туршлага, одоо ажиллаж байгаагаасаа эхэлнэ үү)
Period of Employment
Ажилласан хугацаа, эхэлсэн, дууссан он сар өдөр

Reason for leaving
Ажлаас гарсан шалтгаан

Position Held
Албан тушаалын нэр

Name of Organization and contact number.
Албан байгууллагын нэр, утасны №

Дадлага хийсэн

3.      Education and Training Courses (Боловсрол, Мэргэжлийн бэлтгэл):

Date of Completion
Төгссөн он сар өдөр

Эзэмшсэн мэргэжил

Хаана ямар сургууль

Diploma and Certificate No
Диплом, Сертификатын №

High school

4.      Contact details (Холбогдох хаяг):

Home address
Гэрийн хаяг
Баянзүрх Дүүрэг 5 хороо 17-339
Home tel. No.
Гэрийн утасны №

Mobile phones No.
Гар утасны №
Post office address
Шуудангийн хаяг
E-mail address
Электрон шуудангийн хаяг

5.      Languages (Гадаад хэлний мэдлэг)
(Ярих чадвар)
(Сонсоод ойлгох)
(Уншаад ойлгох)
(Бичих чадвар)

Key = 1-Unacceptable         2-Below average           3-Average          4-Above average           5-Excellent

6.      Other (Бусад):

Computer Skills
Компьютер ашиглах чадвар
Ажилладаг программууд
,Unix, lunix, C++, Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Macromedia, Movie Maker, Adobe
Спортын ямар төрлөөр хичээллэдэг
сагс, волейбол

7.      Emergency (Гэнэтийн тохиолдол):

Contact details of two persons in case of emergency:
Яаралтай тохиолдолд холбоо барих 2 хүний гэрийн хаяг, утасны №

Name /Овог нэр/             :Г.Ариунжаргал
Address /Гэрийн хаяг/     :БЗД
Tel /Утасны №/               :91687788